The thrill of the day, though, came after 1230 when Steve Howell spotted a small gadfly petrel medium distance from the boat on the starboard side. When the shout of Bermuda Petrel went out, the bird was heading away from us and did not return for a closer pass. Sandwiches were thrown overboard, chum was tossed out, and everyone rushed to the bow hoping to catch a glimpse of this bird we have not seen here since 2009! It is always tough to get on everything seen on pelagic trips, and many aboard did not see the bird, but just knowing it's out there made the day. We were about to pull into the marina, as Brian pointed out the hopper dredge that had just arrived, everyone looked over towards it and Sea McKeon shouted "Frigatebird"! Sure enough, a young Magnificent Frigatebird was flying over the dredge right there at the dock, perfect end to an epic day!
Thanks again to everyone who joined us, and thanks also to our leaders: Steve Howell, Bob Fogg, and Nick Bonomo, we could not do it without them!
Bermuda Petrel 1
Black-capped Petrel 18-20
Cory's Shearwater 130
Great Shearwater 11
Sooty Shearwater 1
Manx Shearwater 1
Audubon's Shearwater 67
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 400+
Leach's Storm-Petrel 5-6
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 5
Sooty Tern 2
Pomarine Jaeger 5
Magnificent Frigatebird 1
Common Tern 3
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin seen
Black-capped Petrel
Black-capped Petrel - photo Bob Fogg
Black-capped Petrel
Black-capped Petrels & Wilson's Storm-Petrels in the slick!
Cory's Shearwater - photo Bob Fogg
Nominate Cory's (Scopoli's) - photo Bob Fogg
Great Shearwater
Manx Shearwater!!
Wilson's Storm-Petrels in the slick - photo Bob Fogg
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Grant's type)
Sooty Tern - photo Bob Fogg
Magnificent Frigatebird - photo Bob Fogg
Atlantic Patchwing
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