Otherwise, we had the usual suspects offshore both days with more consistent Black-capped Petrels than we encountered this spring. Black-faced individuals with intermediates composed the majority with just a handful of white-faced birds seen over the weekend. The Black-cappeds were very responsive to the chum, making nice close passes when we stopped to drift. While we found some Band-rumped Storm-Petrels on Saturday, Sunday's birds were more cooperative and everyone had great views! Cory's, Great, and Audubon's Shearwaters were seen on both trips, with better looks at Audubon's on Saturday, and while we did not have the numbers sometimes encountered this time of year, Wilson's Storm-Petrels were with us in the slick for most of each trip.
As most of the east coast suffered through some of the hottest days on record this weekend, we were lucky to have some wind offshore keeping us fairly cool and comfortable (even if it was a little bumpy!). We would like to thank everyone who ventured offshore with us over the weekend!
Saturday July 7, 2012
Trindade Petrel 1
Black-capped Petrel 30-35
Cory's Shearwater 11
Great Shearwater 9
Audubon's Shearwater 13
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 108-128
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 6-7
tropical tern sp. 1
Brown Booby 1
Pomarine Jaeger 1
Sunday July 8, 2012
Black-capped Petrel 33-38
Cory's Shearwater 19
Great Shearwater 17-18
Audubon's Shearwater 6
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 101-106
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 6-8
Bridled Tern 1
Photos July 7:
Black-faced Black-capped Petrel

Brown Booby!
young Pomarine Jaeger feeding
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