Sunday, June 4, 2023

White-tailed Tropicbird and Trindade Petrel!! 3 June 2023

The final day of our Spring Blitz was another good one! We've been really lucky on the days we've been able to make it offshore, if only the weather had been a bit more cooperative...but we'll take 8 out of 15! More fog and northerly wind, but not quite as much current as previous days so it was actually quite nice out there. We had nicer Gulf Stream water too and the skies cleared up once we were offshore of the shelf. Within an hour we had really nice views of both a White-tailed Tropicbird and a dark morph Trindade Petrel - WOW! Shearwaters are also here so we had great views of Cory's, Scopoli's, Great, Sooty, and Audubon's in the slick. And Band-rumped Storm-Petrels have also begun to show well so everyone on board practiced their identification skills in the stern and hopefully had them down by the end!

The trip report from eBird can be found here - reminder to click the tab for photos to see those taken by us.

Thank you so much to Steve Howell and Liam Waters for contributing photos and for helping Brian and me lead the trip today! - Kate Sutherland

The White-tailed Tropicbird stayed with us for awhile giving everyone ample opportunity to photograph it with camera or even cell phones!! (K. Sutherland)
Liam spotted this Trindade Petrel coming in on the bow while we were on a slick - here is one of the images he captured! (Liam Waters)
He also got a couple of photos of the Scopoli's Shearwater that came in at the same time as the tropicbird - here are ventral and dorsal views - note the extensive white in the under primaries! (Liam Waters)
A couple of presumed Grant's type Band-rumped Storm-Petrels (Liam Waters) each with at least a couple of old primaries.

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