Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday 27 May 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 6

Some wind really gave us a boost today and the birds were flying much more than yesterday! We had great views of everything that visited us in the slick and even those who just came for a few seconds to check us out like the Brown Booby and Arctic Tern! Wilson's Storm-Petrels were attentive in the slick all day and we even recruited a Leach's Storm-Petrel this afternoon. Cory's, Scopoli's, and Audubon's all made a nice showing but the highlight for me, as usual, was seeing the Black-capped Petrels in their element. It's always fun to watch them run in the wind, these "winged runners." The trip report with list is linked below and here are a few images from the day as well. - Kate

Let's begin with some Black-capped Petrels (by Kate Sutherland)
Light form
Dark form
Then the Brown Booby (by Ed Corey)
And the Arctic Tern (by Kate Sutherland)
A record shot of the Leach's Storm-Petrel (by Kate Sutherland)
One of the super cooperative Audubon's Shearwaters (by Ed Corey)
And a nice Atlantic Cory's Shearwater (by Ed Corey)
You can just never have enough images of Wilson's Storm-Petrels, so here are a few I captured today (by Kate Sutherland)

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