Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday 2 June 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 12

Well, it was a great day out there with a quick glimpse of a Bermuda Petrel out there this afternoon after a smashing success with storm-petrels and shearwaters plus our always gorgeous Black-capped Petrels in the slick and pretty much all around! Check our our public report and species list here:

Day 12 in a row is catching up to me so here are a few images from the day, minus the Cahow (Bermuda Petrel) since I was deploying a chum block at the time it came by... -Kate Sutherland

Black-capped Petrel - light form
Black-cappeds on the water
Scopoli's Shearwater, we haven't seen many of these this year, but today had nice views
Atlantic Cory's Shearwater
Great Shearwater in the slick
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Grant's type)
Leach's were out there in good numbers today
A Wilson's right after a quick dive for some chum!

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