Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday 24 May 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 3

Another amazing day out there with two to three Fea's Petrels, one dark morph Trindade Petrel plus a bonus Masked Booby on the shelf this afternoon!!! We also had Risso's Dolphins, Pilot Whales (likely short-finned) and even some beaked whales - too far to tell what species!

Check out the trip report & list here:

And check out some photos of our Fea's Petrels and other awesome sightings below (© Kate Sutherland)
First individual - crazy how these birds can be so variable depending on the lighting!
Final sighting!!
Masked Booby
An Audubon's Shearwater making an adjustment in flight :)
And a few images of our Risso's Dolphins, the only species in the genus Grampus 

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