Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday 28 May 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 7

Every day is different out there in the Gulf Stream! And it is so true. Conditions today were very different with winds from the south southwest anywhere from 10 to 20 mph and skies were stormy, to overcast, to cloudy, to partly cloudy! We had some current out there today and we worked with that for a productive time offshore. Our usual suspects were superstars, and though they always are, today it seemed the Black-cappeds were invigorated by the weather! We were able to finish with a nice species list and added nice views of a Bridled Tern to our spring list this afternoon on a Sargassum line out there! There were also a number of Mahi mahi (Atlantic Dolphinfish) along this line as well and leader Daniel Irons hooked a few for participants to reel in! What a day...

Check out our trip list and short report here:

All images today are by me, Kate Sutherland.
The Bridled Tern!
And here are a few of Black-capped Petrels
Checking out our teaser behind the boat!
Band-rumped Storm-Petrels
Wilson's Storm-Petrel
Atlantic Cory's Shearwater
And one of the Mahi mahi (Atlantic Dolphinfish) we caught this afternoon! Thanks Daniel!!

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