Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday 30 May 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 9

Oh what a little wind from another direction will do for us! We had a great day out there with winds about 20 to 25 mph from the north and some nice current in the Gulf Stream. Black-capped Petrels were incredible and very responsive to the chum making awesome passes by the boat on the two drifts we spent time on with our chum blocks. We had a surprise pass by a Brown Booby on one drift then found our first young Great Shearwater of the season and decided to spend some time with it on the chum...Black-cappeds were definitely interested as well and repeatedly swooped down to investigate. All the while our Wilson's Storm-Petrels were chatting and feeding close to the boat as Captain Brian maneuvered so we could stay with the block. On our inshore tack a curious Fea's Petrel zipped into the slick and made some passes for everyone to have a great look - then it came back for a second pass! Overall a great day! Check out our list at the link below:

Here are a few images I captured of some of the highlights (Kate Sutherland)
Fea's Petrel
Brown Booby
Black-capped Petrel picking up a squid we decided to feed it
Band-rumped Storm-Petrels
And some of our really cooperative Wilson's!

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