Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024 - Spring Blitz Day 8

Well, there was a little breeze out there today, but not nearly what we had yesterday. Plus we've had a lot of westerly wind this spring. This keeps diversity low on these trips because some of the species passing by don't get close enough for us to find them offshore. We had a great day regardless with incredible views and nice light in the morning! Black-capped Petrels made a nice appearance and even some close passes for us and Band-rumped Storm-Petrels did the same. Cory's and Audubon's Shearwaters were seen well and we had at least a few quick passes by Scopoli's, but none came in to the slick to feed. Wilson's Storm-Petrels were around in good numbers and it was great to see flocks sitting on the water offshore plus a nice group on a condition as we reached and crossed the shelf break in the afternoon.

Trip list and report can be found here:

And here are a few photos from the day by Kate Sutherland
Atlantic Cory's Shearwater coming in to check out the squid we had out as a teaser (no hook, just to attract them!).
Black-capped Petrels
Band-rumped Storm-Petrels - molting top, not molting bottom
Wilson's Storm-Petrels
And a Common Tern that came to feed in the slick!

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