Well, it was an unprecedented day offshore with the same number of rare gadfly petrels and Black-capped Petrels ~ ZERO! While there was a report of a distant Black-capped Petrel, it was just that, distant. The seas were much more comfortable today than they have been with just slight (3-4 ft) seas, a lot of sun, and just a bit of wind. Audubon's Shearwaters were the highlight of the day with more than 50 seen! We also had nice Cory's Shearwaters and at least 2 Great Shearwaters plus some quick moving Sooties.
Cory's Shearwater 66
Great Shearwater 2
Sooty Shearwater 2
Audubon's Shearwater 86-88
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 50+
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 3
Leach's Storm-Petrel 2
Parasitic Jaeger 2
Pomarine Jaeger 4
jaeger sp. 2
Cuvier's Beaked Whale 1
Feeding Cory's Shearwater (Nate Dias)

Audubon's Shearwater (Dave Shoch)

Common Terns (3 photos ~ Steve Howell)
Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Dave Shoch)
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